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Dangers of using black hat SEO

Black hat SEO is a very dangerous thing. So, before you pay a company for their SEO services you need to know and understand the dangers of using black hat SEO.

virginia seo

Black hat SEO can be likened to Lance Armstrong cheating to win all those bike races. When a company uses black hat SEO it can fool the search engines for a short while but sooner or later the search engines will catch you and when they do they can ban your site.

virginia seo company

The thing about using black hat SEO is that when an virginia seo uses such methods it will impress you because these methods will work well for a short period of time. Soon after the company uses black hat SEO your site will start to rank much higher than the competition. However, sooner rather than later Google will learn of your dirty secret and then it will mete out harsh punishment.

There is therefore no sense in hiring a virginia seo company that uses black hat SEO. If you are not careful, then you can, like JC Penny be delisted by the search engines. If the major search engines are ready to delist multi-million dollar companies, then they will certainly not be willing to show any mercy to your website.

So, why do some companies use black hat SEO? The simple answer is that the company is lazy and also because it may be ignorant about the dangers of using black hat SEO. If you want to play it safe (which you should) then you should put your trust in a seo virginia like the one called SeeYouSEO.

seo virginia

This company only uses white hat SEO. It is also a respectable and reliable company and one that will use the right methods to make your website more visible with the major search engines.